Real Estate

You are interested on a investment in Cape Coral – buy your “Winter-Home” and or a Vacation Rental Home with a secured income ?

Lawn Service

Are you able to afford yourself the best possible service? … of course!

We are your serious partner – we are able to offer you as the buyer the best possible real estate service.
With our over 20 years experience in the real estate business in Cape Coral and our access the network of professionals in the area we will help you to buy or build your dream villa.

Together with our partners we can offer you security and comfort.

For more than 30 years, our partners are successful in the real estate and construction industry.
They are not only licensed realtors, and members of the “Association of Realtors”, member of the “Cape Coral Association of Realtors” and member of the “Cape Coral Chamber of Commerce”. They offer long-lasting experience in the construction, real estate, property management and rental business.

Service is for us not only a word – service is our business
We help you to find your Dream Home – You are not alone – Trust in our Experience !

  • You want to built your own Dream Home

    We accompany you throughout the entire process, from construction planning to the construction phase to completion, then the set-up phase - and we will be there for you afterwards

  • You want a finance

    Certainly also an important aspect when buying a property in Florida. We are happy to help you with the financing - which financing package is the right one for you. We work with the right financing experts. These are at your side with help and advice. Serious and competent.

  • Tax and legal issues

    Again, we have the right contacts for you - our tax consultants and lawyers - advise you individually. Because there is no global solution for all investors.