Marketing your property

Royal Invest, Inc. provides with Partner since 1990 professional vacation rental in Southwest Florida.

Marketing your property

To maximise your rental income Royal Invest, Inc. has an aggressive marketing program that includes

  • Issuance of a special house-book for your vacation home
  • Taking professional pictures of your home
  • A full description of the home
  • Presentation of your home on our homepage
  • Presentation of your home through our partners world wide
  • We have a travel agent company - a family member - in Germany for our guests in Europa
  • You will receive a rental schedule

Marketing Worldwide - all from one

Marketing Worldwide

With us you have not only 1 season - you will have 2 seasons - one season from January to April with our guests from North America and another season in the summertime with our guests from Europa.

Our Service is perfect for you to maximized your rental income!

That's can not do any Realtor in Cape Coral. He work only on the North America market.

Internet presence

Our web site is linked to the major vacation destination and tourism sites on the internet. Our web site address is advertise world wide.
Working for you 24 hours a day all around the world.
We never stop taking reservations! Royal Invest, Inc. web site takes reservations all night long. Even when we are not in the office, potential guests can book weekly rental properties via our web site.

Our web site contains information’s on all of our properties. Clients can see indoor and outdoor digital pictures of your house – if you want it we make a virtual tour from your house - and book the reservations. This allows them to identify with and know the property that they are coming to visit.

Referral Network

As you, an owner are aware, everyone visiting this area holds a special place in their heart for the beautiful beaches and warm sun. That is why a large number of our bookings are generated by current clients. Owners, returning guests, local residents, and realtors generate a large percentage of our referral reservations.
Summer marketing targets the domestic Florida and European Vacationer, while marketing for the winter targets mainly North American Clients. The foreign vacationer has discovered all that Florida has to offer, and our marketing enforces those benefits abroad.


  • Domestic and international print media
  • Classified ads in the top metro newspapers across the country and around the world
  • Local weekly ads in magazines and newspapers
  • We work with tour operators and travel agents world wide