Cleaning Service
Cleaning Service

Cleaning Service

Here’s what we do

Please note that this is only a sample.

Each unit calls for different cleaning tasks.

We will do anything that calls for job well done and to complete assigned duties.

Kitchen and Eating Area

*Countertop cleaned

*Cabinet doors damp wipe and polishing

*Empty drawers wiped if necessary

*Load and unload dishwasher

*Wash up dishes

*Cleaned dishes placed in designed area

*Top front and inside of range hod cleaned

*Grease filter cleaned

*Refrigerator cleaned in- and outside, take the ice out

*Sink scrubbed and disinfected/chrome shined

*Outside appliances cleaned and shined

*Stove, oven and microwave cleaned in-and outside

*Floors washed and disinfected/ carpet vacuumed

*General dusting and trash emptied/ trash can cleaned

*Cobwebs removed

Sleeping and Living Areas

*Bed made and linen washed and/or changed

*All areas dusted (all items removed and put back in place)

*Mirrors polished and dusted

*Picture frames dusted

*Empty drawers inside wiped if necessary

*Empty cabinets inside wiped

*All furniture hand wiped

*Glass tables cleaned

*Flat areas damp cloth dusted

*Window sills damp cleaned

*Ceiling fans dusted

*Lampshades and bulbs dusted

*Overall appearance of the room left neat and tidy

*All silk plants dusted

*Fingerprints removed from all switches, woodwork and
door frames

*Floors and stairs vacuumed/ moped – cleaned under rugs

*Empty closet floors vacuumed

*All readily accessible floors vacuumed

*All baseboards dusted

*Upholstery vacuumed

*Blinds are dusted

*Cobwebs removed and trash emptied


* Tiles and chrome cleaned and left shining

*Tubs thoroughly cleaned and rinsed

*Shower doors cleaned and disinfected

*Toilets scrubbed and disinfected

*Vanity and sink scrubbed and disinfected

*Cabinet, cabinet doors and drawers damp wiped

*Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined

*Lamps and bulbs dusted

*Floors washed and disinfected/carpet vacuumed

*Towels washed and/or exchanged and decorated

*Mildew chemically treated

*Cobwebs removed – Trash emptied/ trash can cleaned

*General dusting

Outside Areas

*Pool and patio furniture wiped down

*Pool and patio area swept

*Entry area swept

*Entrance door wiped

*Windows pool terrace cleaned

*Take the cushion into the house

*Remove spider webs on the patio

*Garage are swept

Basic Equipment after cleaning

*Facial Tissue boxes in all bathrooms

*Toilet paper in all bathrooms

*Soap dispenser filled up in the bathrooms

*Dishwashing detergent filled up in the kitchen

*Dishwashing detergent tabs for the dishwasher

*Rinse formula for the dishwasher

*In all trash cans plastic bags



Specially Work

*General cleaning one or two times a year if needed

*Bathroom deep cleaning

*Tile grouting scrubbed

*Kitchen deep cleaning

*Clean all kitchen cabinets – removed all the dishes etc,

*Remove Stove and refrigerator and cleaned behind

*Cleaning behind all beds and bedside furniture

*Clean all furniture in- and outside damp wiped

*All silk plants cleaned with special cleaner

*All doors, doorframes and baseboards are damp wiped

*Ceiling fans are damp wiped


Please ask for an estimate!

Cleaning fee starting at $180.00


Extra Window Cleaning one or two times a year

*Windowpane and window frames damp wiped inside and outside

*Cleaned the screen fields

Please ask for an estimate.


Carpet and/or upholstery cleaning

*one or two times a year if needed

Please ask for an estimate.


Cleaning and impregnate cushion on the terrace furniture

*one or two times a year if needed

Please ask for an estimate.

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